The sounds are quite nice and rich an well recorded but i'm guessing you didnt actually have a hand in the sound design? The second instrument that comes in at 0.33 is way too loud and overbearing, so i would recommend lowering it in the mix and maybe eq out some of the highs as its a little harsh. Those drum beats are nice but the kick could be a bit louder and punchier, i can barely hear it under the keys(try some subtle sidechaining).
*Arrangement wise you could add more variation so its not just the same four chords repeating, try adding some different chords from the same key for a breakdown section for example. You could also make use of filter automation during transitional parts to add some tension and excitement.
Its quite hard to review this because you said you used that site so im not sure how much of it was just loops slapped together nd how much of it was your hand.