As much as i love this site, which has a great community and its yearly competitions to par-take in something bothers me about Newgrounds that i have noticed over the recent years. That thing is exposure, or at least how its distributed and managed here on the site. I see week after week /month after month/ year after year the same artists popping up on the front page. Don't get me wrong though, these guys make good content and deserve your attention but what this creates is a very cliquey group. Where those who are well known continue to take the limelight and this ultimately means those lesser-known artists barely see the light of day.
I know a typical response to this would be ''you gotta take part in the competitions and be an active user to get exposure!'' Well i have done those things, i have entered many a competition and been an active forum poster as well as uploading when i can, to see very few results. The thing is i'm not just speaking for just myself but also others i have seen in a similar situation over the years and i'm no newbie to Newgrounds, having been here since 2013 ish. Its true that i haven't been that active here in recent times but mainly its due to a sense of futility i feel when trying to promote my music here.
I know this is a bit of a rant but i figured since its unlikely this will be read by anyone i can just use it as a way to get something off my mind without offending people.
I appreciate any support that i have had through newgrounds and have had some good fun taking part in competitions, however i felt it had to be said.
I got front paged once. It was amazing.